Success Story: Bott

How Bott GmbH & Co. KG digitizes all gastronomic ordering, payment and billing processes with the help of the sizzly platform

Bott digitizes the gastronomic processes

with the sizzly Catering Cloud

In September 2024, Bott introduced the mobile ordering and payment platform sizzly to digitize the catering ordering, payment and billing processes for its employees in all four plants. The result? Significant time savings, greater transparency and happier employees - a complete success for bott!

Bott GmbH & Co. KG

Initial situation

High manual effort and non-transparent processes

Before the introduction of sizzly , the ordering and payroll processes at bott were very paper-based and time-consuming. In total, the HR department invested up to 5 working hours per month in accounting - without the additional processing time for queries.

Orders in paper form

Handwritten order lists had to be submitted to official collection points in the respective factories and buildings by a certain deadline.

Evaluation of orders

The canteen staff collected the individual order lists from the collection points after the deadline and evaluated them to create an overall order for the respective location.

Forwarding orders to the caterer

All orders could now be sent to the caterer by the canteen staff.

Entry of purchases in new lists

Collected orders and spontaneous purchases, such as drinks, were recorded in the canteen in new lists for each employee.

The problem: there was no comparison of whether orders and collections matched.

Preparation of monthly statement

Based on the purchase lists from the canteens, the HR department prepared the monthly statement for each employee for payroll accounting.

Large number of queries

Due to a lack of overview, there were many queries from employees regarding payroll accounting to the HR department.

The solution:

Digital processes with the sizzly catering app

The entire process was digitized with the introduction of sizzly :

Digital orders

Employees order their meals directly via the app, with allergens, prices and allowances visible at all times. The weekly meal plan of various stores is available digitally.

Overview of orders

Employees have an overview of all orders placed and can manage their orders themselves and cancel them in the event of illness.

Automated billing

Billing now only takes around 20 minutes per month for all plants - queries and complaints are a thing of the past.

The advantages for BotT

through the introduction of the sizzly app

High time savings & new focus on core activities for canteen staff

Enormous acceleration of payroll processes for the HR department

High transparency & overview, both for bott and for employees

An ordering app, both for the caterer and for collective orders from external restaurants/bakeries

Interface to caterer enables automated transmission of articles & orders

Expansion of the food offering for employees through simple, digital store & item management

A solution that works for both internal and external employees

Reduction of food waste and paper consumption

One contact person for all questions & fast support at all times

Customer testimonial

bott reports on what has changed in the company since its introduction:

"With sizzly , we have found a digital all-in-one solution for digital meal ordering in our company that works for both our internal and external employees. The integration of payroll accounting and our allowance structure has saved us a considerable amount of time, as payroll accounting for each employee is now completed in just a few clicks instead of a few days. The employees have been extremely positive about the new app and sizzly has always been quick and helpful to contact. We look forward to continuing our journey together!"

Jan Willem Jongert

Spokesman of the Management Board / CEO at Bott GmbH & Co. KG

"With sizzly we save our canteen staff at each point of sale around two hours a day, which used to be spent on processing and evaluating pre-orders. The time required for the monthly billing run has been reduced from eight hours to 20 minutes, and there are no more queries or complaints about the services billed, as all employees can view all purchases at any time via the sizzly can view all purchases at any time via the app."

Karin Gray

Personnel Officer at Bott GmbH & Co. KG

The apps of the sizzly Catering cloud

bott uses all apps of the Catering Cloud with full functionality

bott uses all three apps of the sizzly Catering Cloud and thus utilizes the full range of functions. 

  1. Catering app: Employees use this app to order, pay and manage their orders
  2. sizzly App: This app is used to manage the offer & complete orders in the canteen
  3. Backoffice app: This app is used by the HR department to manage employees' user accounts

Functions of the sizzly Catering app

bott uses the sizzly platform for all gastronomic ordering, payment and billing processes in the company, including:

Digital pre-order

of breakfast and lunch via the sizzly ordering app, both for goods offered by the contract caterer and goods offered by the company itself at all 8 points of sale

Cloud POS system

for the receipt of all transactions, optionally with digital creation of hospitality receipts

NFC employee chips

are integrated and can be used to collect orders and pay for impulse purchases


via integrated payroll deduction for internal employees and via in-app credit system for external employees

Grant structure

Individual subsidization of the range of goods, depending on user roles and article types

Integration WWS Caterer

Employee orders are automatically transmitted to the caterer's integrated merchandise management system.

sizzly Backoffice app

The back office app enables independent management of employees and orders:

Employee management

The HR department can create new users, manage them or simply remove them. User roles can also be assigned, for example for mapping grant structures.

Linking with NFC employee chips

NFC employee chips can be linked to users via their ID in the back office app.

Evaluations & data exports

The back office app provides evaluations and statistics on orders and transactions for export.


The HR department has an overview of orders, transactions, credit balances, invoices and users in the back office app. This also ensures internal company support.

sizzly App

Simple management of offers & meal plans

Menu plan of the caterer

The caterer's menu plan is transferred directly from their integrated merchandise management system to the sizzly app.

Management of articles & offer

The articles from other external stores, such as a supplying bakery, as well as their prices and availability are easily created and managed in the Canteen App.

Issue & finalize orders

By scanning the employee chip, the canteen staff can open the current day's order, issue the items ordered and complete the order.

POS module

With the cash register module, spontaneous purchases can be made in the canteen.

Self-order terminal

Access for all employees

Self-order terminals are also available for employees who do not work on a computer at bott, for example in production. Employees can use the wall-mounted tablets to log in to the sizzly app with their employee ID cards and place or manage orders. This gives every employee access to the app, regardless of whether they choose to use it on their private devices.

Important success factors

for a successful project launch & the introduction of the sizzly app

These following factors made the introduction of the sizzly app at bott a complete success. Thanks to clear, successful communication and committed managers within the company who oversaw the introduction of the sizzly app, bott was able to provide enormous support for a smooth introduction, as employees also need a contact person within the company itself, in addition to sizzly support. We would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank bott for the great cooperation. 

A contact person in the company for driving the project forward & internal company support

Product training in the company at the beginning, both for the administration and the canteen staff

Intensive support from contact persons during the introduction of the system for all employees

With sizzly , bott has not only optimized internal processes, but also increased employee and canteen staff satisfaction. bott impressively demonstrates how digitalization can improve the working environment - in just a few weeks.

Are you ready to revolutionize the ordering and payment processes in your company?

Arrange a demo appointment now and discover the benefits of the sizzly Canteen app!