The platform for digital ordering & payment solutions

We make it possible to map ordering & payment processes via your guests' smartphones - simple, flexible & fully integrated into existing systems

Speed, efficiency & planning reliability

through smartphone-based ordering & payment

Our platform enables smartphone-based, digital ordering and payment processes for the restaurant, event and catering industry. Guests at restaurants and events, for example, can use their smartphones to view and order the food and drinks on offer and pay for them digitally. 

Our goal: seamlessly integrated solutions from ordering to billing and reporting.

Functional principle

A universal order & payment process:

Flexible web application

Easy to integrate

Use cases

Flexible use for a wide range of applications & industries

Gastronomy, restaurants & food trucks
Hotel & catering industry
Community catering & (company) catering
Events, festivals & functions
Sporting events, stadiums & arenas
Trade fairs & congresses
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Advantages & features

Flexible web application

Flexible web application

  • No download & no registration
  • Accessible via any end device
  • Integration into existing website, social media profiles, apps & intranet possible

Reporting & billing

Reporting & billing

  • legally & regulatory compliant



  • in Websites
  • Systems (ERP, WWS, cash register)
  • Processes & procedures

Administration & control

Administration & control

  • in our own gastronomy appsizzly

Intensive support

Intensive support

We are there for you, from conception and introduction to successful and long-term use.

Holistic advice

Holistic advice

Digital ordering & payment solutions are just the first step - but for them to be used successfully, they need to be integrated into your overall concept & communication. We will be happy to advise you on this.

Full service package

We supply everything you need for your sizzly solution

Our ordering and payment solutions can be used universally - yet every application is unique. As a full-service partner, we support the implementation of our solutions from conception to launch and beyond. We take your individual requirements on board, support you in communicating your digital ordering and payment solution in the best possible way and provide you with all the necessary materials. As part of events, we can take care of the onboarding of your retailers and create a tailor-made communication and action plan. We take over your order and payment processes - so that you have time to concentrate on your business.

What our customers say:

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